Dave DaversaApr 9Salamander morphology and undergraduate researchGreen, E.T., Dell, A.I., Crawford, J.A., Biro, E.G. and Daversa, D.R., 2024. Trait variation in patchy landscapes: Morphology of spotted...
Dave DaversaMay 14, 2023After visiting an intertidal zone in Palos VerdesTide pools give me hope. They give me hope because they are full of life. The nooks and crannies harbor many living things, and a wide...
Dave DaversaJan 23, 2023Welfare and the (re)opening of doors to wonderThe aquatic ecologist at Yosemite National Park is a bonafide herpetologist and accepted world expert on Yosemite toads (Anaxyrus...
Dave DaversaSep 6, 2022Taking a community perspectiveA paper I led was published last week. Most of my research looks at parasites in the context of organismal biology, especially...
Dave DaversaAug 2, 2022Are animals stressing over climate change? Humans increasingly stress over climate change. Sometimes the stress is acute, for example, when a flood or wildfire is approaching one’s...
Dave DaversaMay 16, 2022Confronting the issue of climateI moved to California to study threats of disease in wildlife, but the wildlife threat I confronted was climate. In other regions I have...